Approaching The Old House: A Descriptive Writing Study Pack With Supported Study Tasks
How To Describe Walking Towards An Old Ruin To Create Impact And Suspense...
Does your child struggle to create sustained and detailed descriptions in their descriptive writing tasks?
When they write a story, is the plot all a bit rushed, with no 'zoomed-in' detailed section that brings their ideas to life?
Do they like the horror story genre and suspenseful, highly descriptive writing, or do they struggle to understand its style?
The 'walk up to the front door' is a great way to set up a description of a haunted or just abandoned house.
Could your child create a powerful, detailed description of an uneasy describer-narrator approaching an old mansion?
Descriptive tasks are a core exam writing skill. Equally, in stories, just one descriptive 'zoom-in' adds impact, realism and marks.
This resource explores the many details someone approaching the front door might notice. What do they see, hear, feel, smell, touch and think? Download your free guide to master this writing skill!

Many of us don't realise just how much descriptive detail is required of students when they are asked to 'write a description based on this image' and given a picture they've never seen before.
Writing style and structure can be pretty terrifying for students - especially when it comes to describing setting details, establishing the mood, and a character's feelings. This guide is designed to transform their uncertainty into confidence, enabling your child to describe more details with skill, varied vocabulary and precision.
Watch your children create their own truly awe-inspiring horror stories that strike both fear and admiration into all who read their new creations...

Help them develop and dynamise their descriptive skills by working through this step-by-step guide.
Heaven Is In Those Descriptive Details!

This Free Guide Offers Your Child A Foolproof Way To Ensuring They Add Those Heavenly Details Into Their Writing.
Examples To Inspire Them
Sometimes, all students need is to read a good guide with examples of highly descriptive writing to see how sentence structure and use of language add layers of magic to their writing.

'There, ahead of me, stood the old orphanage, crouched like an angry gargoyle in the windswept grounds, crying to a world that had abandoned it. Its battered wooden roof beams tapped and creaked in the cool breeze.'

'Cautiously, I stepped over the overgrown flagstone path that led to the ancient stone doorway. The door had long since rotted away. A dark gaping archway yawned before me. Should I go on?'
'By now I was in the middle of the front path. Looking up, I saw that the upper right roof was sunken. Large weeds had anchored themselves in the brittle roof tiles and ravens cawed from their attic nests.'
This study pack is the ideal 'follow-up' to my free 'Journey Through The Dark Forest' study film and PDF guide, which are also available in the free resources section of this website.
The 'Journey Through The Dark Forest' pack explored ways to describe a walk through an ancient forest at night, ending with a glimpse of a house in the distance.
Continue the eerie theme with this ruined house study pack! Encourage your child to imagine that they have left the forest and that a crumbling ruined old house now stands before them. How would they describe it? They could maintain their writing style by shifting to a new descriptive focus.
Before they know it, your child will have completed TWO powerful descriptions that could go on to be developed into even longer horror stories. Alternatively, this descriptive writing task works fine as a stand-alone practice task.

Let's Open Their Eyes To The Potential Of Descriptive Details!

This descriptive writing pack helps students feel more confident in their writing skills, encouraging them to 'think detail.' In the future, they'll be more likely to weave descriptive sections into other writing tasks, such as diaries and letters.
Descriptive details deliver!
Grab Your Free 12-Page Study PDF For Describing The Old House Here!
This great-value resource is packed with a sequenced set of tips on how best to approach this writing genre, examiner's tips, quality image prompts, step-by-step tips for what areas to zoom in on, varied vocabulary and creative ideas
For extension, your child can then choose other interesting pictures that engage them and apply their newfound skills to those.
Let's Get Them Looking At Ideas Afresh. Let's Get Them Describing In Depth And Detail.